Under Observation

Normally I don't start a conversation, I wait for the other one to do so... but you know after starting this blog I have become so weird.. the first lesson of blogging I got is ...I gotta observe what is happening around...

As you all know I live in a hostel ... I started roaming around ...Dont mistake me I usually dont eavesdrop but I need to get something to write..I was standing and hearing what the other girls are upto...I was posing as if am looking outside thru the window that was there.

Girls who came by was nearly staring me ... I just had to give a different smile because i dint want them to think that am snooping around

There came my room mate ( lets call her RM)...She gave a sardonic smile.. (Shucks i should have gone to my room for that.) Buddy I was bold enough and stared at her.

I said, what man, why are you looking at me like that? Am I looking so good today...( Ha ha ha...I had a point to irritate her)

RM said No No My dear its not that... I know you have started blogging and your eyes and ears are open to any new thing you could brag about...But I never knew, that your nose has stopped working...

Then I realised where i was standing....

So my lesson 2 is Keep your Eyes , Ears and Nose open....

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