Am getting diturbed? Is that what you call love?

I contemplated suicide again - this time by inhaling next to an insurance salesman.-Woody Allen

You all know by now that I am living on my own at my Work city. Well, the monsoon has just started. And we had showers yesterday. I love playing in rain and mom allows that too.. . Every one used to tell her not to allow children to play in rain
Till one day i heard her reply I didn't know why she allowed.This is what happened then ( when I was say 12 or 13 yrs old)

Mrs. X: Think you like rain a lot
My Mom: Yes. Every one likes rain.
Mrs. X : But why should you allow your kids to play in rain? Wont they get affected.
My Mom: You are right. Had it been the younger one I would not have let her play. But its Bee, thats why I let her....
(Mrs . X was bit annoyed ... Even I was bit taken how could my mother not own me!?)
Mrs. X : Why is it so?
My mom: Well, I just want her to bathe properly.

Now as I lay back thinking of that horrible discovery my mom made about me ... I felt him. I sensed his strong urge to get into my bed. There he was, trying all his pranks. He then moved to my neck. I sensed him there. Shamelessly I waited for him to move down. I was like getting ... Oh No! how could I say that? He bit me. Near me ears i heard his hiss...I know he is driving me crazy.

As the night falls, without my permission and without being held by anyone he enters my room.. night by night...But yesterday was different. I wanted to put an end to this ... Here I was lying in darkness feeling his arrival...

Finally I went to sleep.When I woke up, he had left. I searched for him but to no avail, only the sheets bore witness to last night's events. My body still shows his marks, making it harder to forget him.

Tonight I will remain awake and wait for soon he appears I will quickly grab and won't let him go, will hold him with all my strength. Not only that my dear Night Lover, I have got all those new repellents in the market...I know for sure that you will be killed ...You F$#King mosquito...

3 Stings:

Anonymous said...

Ha.. Bee.. why dont you change your style of writing? I just get bugged up?

Honey Bee said...

Yes. I want to . Tell me how you want me to do? I dont have as much brains as you have?

Lazy Lavender said...

It is strange that I too wrote something like this. Only a little stuck to reality. Did you know that mosquitoes that bite are actually female? The male mosquitoes hover around fruits. :-)
Here's mine ->