You tell Me

All those patrons those who are silent readers ...( Dilip , Binesh its about you am saying) Lemme me know what kind of a stuff you would like to read... Those who were so fast than yours truly honey bee, to drop in a comment, why don't you first click on the poll? At least I would know what you want!

Ooooops! Never thought writing a post would be this difficult? Here you go... Click so that I would know

What do you want Bee to Write?
Bee Flirt Stories
Bee @ Work
Something Serious and Meaningful
Ocassionally Serious Stuff free polls

3 Stings:

Anonymous said...

a fifth option of

Dont write

was not given in the poll

Honey Bee said...

anon: Actually I was considering that to kept as 1s option.. Shucks! I was afraid only that option would be voted!

Anonymous said...

i think "Serious and Meaningful" is same as not writing for Bee. If the bee start writing serious post than i am sure the post rate will become less than 3 word in her life time. :)..

Keep the fun mill going.. (me not voting)